Nikon will trade you for your old camera

I don't have Nikon cameras myself, but I know of a lot of students and professionals that do. You may not get rid of those lenses--nikon glass is really pretty, but you may be holding onto an older body that you aren't using anymore. I just read this really cool little article at TCD about... Continue Reading →

Help A Local Artist Doing An Amazing Project

Kurt Fishback has photographed some of the most important artists in the world. Since he retired from teaching, he's been doing an amazing project documenting California women artists. You can check out a video done of his work and see his previous books at the link below. He's trying to continue his work the way all artists do; through grants and art supporters.

Dia de los Muertos

Isaac Cordal is sympathetic toward his little people and you can empathize with their situations, their leisure time, their waiting for buses and even their more tragic moments such as accidental death, suicide or family funerals. The sculptures can be found in gutters, on top of buildings, on top of bus shelters...

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